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What if it rains?

On days that call for rain, we want to be as flexible as possible. Rain showers are usually quickly passing so it may be a case of finding shelter and darting out to take photos during breaks in the rain. Keep in mind that while it may not be ideal, stormy skies can make for some amazing photographs. Another option is to EMBRACE THE RAIN and soak it up!

Where will our outdoor session be?

After booking, I will send out a questionnaire to get an idea of what you're looking for in your session and what type of location (beach, park, farm, etc). Please let me know if you have a location in mind and we will work together to decide on the best place.

Where will our newborn session be?

Newborn sessions can either be done at the hospital or in your home. I'll be capturing those little yawns, tiny toes, and all the snuggles. I'm not the photographer to pose your baby in a basket with an oversized bow on her head. While that can be adorable, my focus is documenting the first few days with your new little love while you're settling in.

What time will our session be at?

Up to an hour after sunrise and an hour before sunset are the best times for an outdoor session. If your kids aren't early risers, a sunset session would be scheduled.

Newborn sessions will be scheduled for late morning.

What happens if you miss the birth?

Labor can be unpredictable and if the baby happens to arrive before I am there, I will still come to your place of birth and take photos. We will also schedule a "Fresh 48" or newborn session to substitute what was missed in the event of a speedy delivery.

What if my child cries the whole time?

Meeting someone new can be overwhelming for any baby or child, especially when that person is putting a camera in their face. That is why my approach to all sessions is first making a connection with your child(ren) and from there, we follow their lead (with a little guidance). My goal for all sessions is to capture authentic and real interactions between you and your family with minimal posing. Also note, I have two kids of my own. Little people can have big feelings so please don't apologize for any crying or sad kids. I get it!

What should we wear to a family session?

Above anything else, I want you to be comfortable and feel good about yourself. I do suggest not having too many different patterns or one color on everyone. Start with a statement piece/pattern (for example mom's dress or dad's shirt) and build from there using coordinating colors not matching colors. Solids are great! When in doubt, neutral colors and earth tones photograph well.

When do I pay for our session?

Half of the package price will be due upon booking. The second half will be due one week before our session date (or due date if booking a birth session).